‘Wheelmate’ app Radio PR campaign
Hollyoaks actress Kelly-Marie Stewart came into 80 Hertz to do 14 interviews via ISDN to radio stations across the UK.
Hollyoaks actress Kelly-Marie Stewart came into 80 Hertz to do 14 interviews via ISDN to radio stations across the UK.
Brand New Heavies record strings for their album ‘Forward’ at 80 Hertz
Timecode in all its ‘glory’ explained by our chief tech Martin Pedder (ex BBC broadcasting house) of Boomerang Sounds.
Scoring-to-picture for indie filmmaker Thomas Patrick’s latest work ‘Kaleidoscope’. Winner of Best Film award, presented by Steve Bowden (Vita Nova Films), at a screening at Tyneside Cinema.
Manchester-based Patterns came into 80 HERTZ to track BIG drums for their debut album
Some of our favourite albums mastered at 80 HERTZ by George Atkins this year. Spotify links provided where possible.