0161 850 8088 info@80hertz.com

Buen Chico came to us initially to record there first single ‘Giving your gifts’ and B side for their label Faith & Hope Records. Accompanied by the self confessed work-a-holick Neil Claxton (Faith & Hope A&R and a talented producer in his own right, being one half of Mint Royale (singing in the rain advert ring any bells?!).

We set about producing their first 7 inch single, ‘Giving you gifts’ and B side ‘Drip drip, tick tock’. The single sold very well! Faith & Hope managed to shift all 500 7” singles. That opened the door to the next batch of recordings. The second release ‘Gold from Lead’.

It was clear that we had developed a good relationship between the label and band, so we were thrilled to produce their debut album. After much experimentation, we had an amazing lo-fi pop/indie/rock album, released in October 2007 soon after ‘Choosing my religion’ out on 7 inch picture disk.

‘Choosing my Religion’ video:

[youtube width=”580″ height=”425″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvc7pG5xH7M&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]